A Land Down Under

January 19, 2010

rahlo in aus

Michael Porter (a.k.a. rahlo) of the blackSoil project journeyed to “a land down under” in November and December to join hands with Darren and Judy Hamilton. Darren and Judy head up CRAM, the creative arts ministry of Campus Crusade in Australia.

Rahlo found great freedom to perform in high schools and middle schools, engaging students through music and challenging them with the gospel. Here are a few “stats” from the trip:

  • 12 outreaches in 12 days
  • Nine different venues
  • 1100 people exposed to the gospel
  • 217 wanted to know more about God
  • 75 started a relationship with God!

“Praise God for how He is moving in the hearts of our youth and please pray for all those who have been stirred by the Spirit these past 2 weeks. Pray that the seed in their heart will take root, be nurtured and grow.” – Darren & Judy Hamilton

Rahlo was also able to maximize the impact of his concerts through connecting with students on Facebook. After each show one of the tour hosts loaded videos and photos on FB and invited students to join in some discussion.

One high school student wrote, “I knew God and what He expected of me, but rahlo’s words made it real for me. It was truly inspiring! Thank you for helping me start a more intimate relationship with God.”

Rahlo‘s trip served to strengthen Keynote’s partnership with CRAM. Please pray for even more opportunities for CRAM’s ministry to ignite life change in the hearts of students.

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