Giving the Best

May 21, 2010

What does it really mean to give the best? I’ve been pondering this idea for a few weeks. I had the opportunity to listen to Margaret Feinberg’s book, Scouting the Divine on CD recently. In her own journey to see God more and to understand some of the references in scripture to sheep, crops, honey, and vineyards, Margaret spent time with a shepherd, a farmer, bee keeper and a vintner.

The lessons and conclusions she was able to draw are way too numerous for me to share here, so you’ll just have to read or listen to the book!

However, I wanted to share one of her insights relating to giving to the Lord.

Deuteronomy 18:4 says the Israelites were to give to the Lord the first fruits of their harvest, wine, and the first shearing of the sheep. These were an offering to the Lord as a portion for the Levites who served God and had no portion of their own. The first shearing produced the best, the softest, the most pure wool for making the finest garments. Each subsequent shearing would produce a wool with less quality.

I’ve often been taught that we should give God our best. We’re also taught that we should give to Him first. However, what I hadn’t thought about or really ever heard was the idea of giving something that was irreplaceable.

What does that mean in my life? What are the best and the first things that I am to give to God, knowing they may never be replaced? Maybe it’s reputation, time, a precious gift or something I have yet to see. Whatever the case, I want to be willing to give God that which already belongs to Him, regardless of what it costs me.

Renae Nanney
Development Team Coordinator

Question: What thoughts do you have about giving your best to God?

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