Summer Project Tour Update

July 13, 2010

The Keynote Summer Project bands are on their outreach tours all over the country. We’ve been hearing reports each day about how God has been using them to help people see their need for His love and forgiveness.

A couple of days ago, Tattooed Planet, an aggressive rock band performed in an Arizona prison. It was 110 degrees and they had issues with their equipment functioning in the intense heat. Despite the heat, 250 prisoners came to hear the show and 53 of them indicated a decision to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. The band continues this week with more prison shows and then on to work with other Campus Crusade Summer Projects at San Diego, Yellowstone, Santa Cruz and Lake Tahoe.

Sunday, another one of the bands, Swerve, performed at Ft Knox Army Post for about 1000 recruits. Military audiences are always appreciative of the bands, but there is no comparison to the reception our bands have received at Ft. Knox. The band concludes their show with “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey and all the recruits sang along with them!

At the conclusion of the show, more than 400 comment cards were returned and 101 of them indicated a decision to trust Christ! Another 76 said they wanted to talk with someone further about God. Here are a few of the comments:

  • “I was raised atheist, but you all gave me a change of heart.”
  • “Thank you for helping me fill that empty space during the least likely times.”
  • “I want to find God.  Pray for me.”

Please continue to pray for the bands as they continue their tours (through July 25.)

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