Is God’s Hand Open or Closed?

September 17, 2010

Have you ever stepped into a dark room to look for something and had trouble finding the light switch? Or maybe it was room with which you are familiar and you thought you could find what you needed without the light…but you searched in vain. All you needed was to flip the switch and instantly your sight was made clear. Sometimes we come across a teaching or a story that helps us flip that switch in our spiritual journey.

Last week I was listening to “Looking for God” by Nancy Ortberg on CD. I found myself captivated by her stories and interesting perspectives on God and His character. In one of the later chapters she talks about God’s hands. She realized that for many years she viewed God’s hand as closed. She felt like she was always having to ask God to open His hand to meet a need. At some point, she realized that God’s hand is actually open. He longs to give us good gifts and meet our needs.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 [NIV]

“These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.” Psalm 104:27-28 [NIV]

Her point was that her view of God’s hand affected her own hand. When she began to see God’s hand as open and to truly internalize His generosity to us in so many areas, she saw her own generosity blossom.

After unpacking the story of Zacheus, Nancy brings home the “meat” of the lesson:

“…God’s hands are flung open and there is no end to His generosity, His compassion, His goodness. His hands are open and if we live in a trusting relationship with Him, then our hands can be open too. We grow our hearts by opening our hands…

“…Goodness is compelling. Being blessed creates a sense of gratitude and gratitude moves us toward giving. Our hands opening until they look like God’s hand. We are not the end of the line. Not cul de sac recipients of God’s goodness. We should be like sieves. God pours through us so that we can give to others. Two hands; both open; one with which to receive the other with which to give.”

As I was pondering these ideas this last week, it struck me that seeing God’s hand as open is like flipping on the light switch. Everything becomes more clear. I’ve seen it in my own life. I’ve always had a desire to be generous, but as I’ve grown in my understanding of God’s grace, mercy goodness, provision and sovereignty, I’ve seen a shift in my desire to be more generous…with my time, my resources and my money.

The next time you step into a room and reach for the light switch, think about God’s hand and how you can be a channel of His goodness to others.

Renae Nanney

Question: What kind of “ah-hah” moments have you experienced in your own stewardship journey?

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