Creating God Space

September 24, 2010

As we’ve been discussing in recent Friday posts, stewardship is about more than just how we spend our money. It’s about being stewards of all we have been given, including the gospel!

As we continue to live and work in this post-modern culture, it’s becoming increasingly clear that our long-time learned and used practices of communicating the gospel aren’t working. The gospel message hasn’t changed, but the “invitation” to enter into a dialog about the gospel is rarely extended without first removing some of the barriers that our society and, sadly, our Christian culture have created.

Doug Pollock, in his book God Space, unpacks many of these issues. Ideas like asking “wondering questions,” serving spiritual appetizers instead of full-course dinners, and listening without our agenda getting in the way are fleshed out through Doug’s own experiences. When we wait for permission or an invitation to tell our stories, we have a much better chance of influencing the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

“Gospel snacks…allow us to share the right God story at the right time rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, which is often what a faith story becomes.” – excerpt from God Space, Chapter 8 – Spiritual Appetizers

As I’ve been reading God Space over the last few weeks, I’ve been challenged in my own perspectives of communicating the gospel. People in our society today are truly hungry for spiritual truth. They want to engage in spiritual conversations. I’ve found myself longing for more opportunities to connect with people and to allow God’s Spirit to lead the conversation, creating the space needed for open dialog about God and His life-transforming love and forgiveness.

If you want to learn more about creating God space visit or check out the book.

Listening, asking wondering questions, serving spiritual appetizers…In which area would you like to grow?

Renae Nanney

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