It’s All Relative

October 8, 2010

Money bagsDon’t get me wrong, I generally feel exceptionally blessed.

But as someone involved in vocational ministry, I sometimes lament that I don’t have more upper-end earning potential when it comes to things like socking away money for retirement, college funds, replacement vehicles, etc.  I can feel a little frustrated when the budget gets tight and it’s harder to carve out the bucks for the kids’ activities, a date night with my wife, or a family restaurant meal.

And then I saw

This website is one of the most simple-yet-fascinating exercises I’ve ever experienced.  Basically, you plug in your annual income and it lets you know where you rank financially among everyone on the planet.  It shocked me to see that my income would place me in the top 1% of income-earners globally.  Sure, there are tens-of-millions of people richer than me… but there are also more than six billion who are not.

I would encourage you to plug in your numbers and see what you learn.  The realities of my situation brought the following passage to mind:

“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:16 [NIV]

Rich Dundore
Director of Development

Question: How did you feel when you saw the results of your “status” on

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