Never a Dull Moment

January 12, 2011

While many of us were enjoying another helping of Christmas leftovers and goodies, thousands of college students and Campus Crusade staff members gathered in various locations for Christmas/Winter Conference. These week-long conferences are filled with teaching from God’s Word, worship, seminars on ministry opportunities and time for outreach.

God is at work on many levels at these conferences. Some students begin a relationship with Jesus, others are challenged to consider giving their lives to full-time ministry while others find out about summer ministry opportunities. When I was in college I had the opportunity to attend a national Christmas Conference in Kansas City and heard Dr. Bill Bright give a message about being filled with the Holy Spirit. As I look back on that experience, I realize it was a game changer for me as a Christian. I realized I didn’t have to live the Christian life on my own power; God had given His Spirit to live through me!

Keynote had the opportunity to serve a number of the Campus Crusade Winter Conferences with resources. We sent musicians to San Diego, Minneapolis and Boston to lead student worship teams. We also had representatives at a handful of the other events to connect with students about serving with Keynote or about the Keynote Summer Project.

More than 700 students gave us contact information to learn more about the 2011 Summer Project and hundreds attended seminars about Keynote’s ministry at the different locations. We look forward to seeing how many of these students will join us this year for a life-changing summer or a lifetime of ministry!

Renae Nanney

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