Campus Crusade for Christ Is Changing Its Name

July 21, 2011

Cru logoIf you’ve spent any time on Twitter, Facebook or pretty much anywhere on the web in the last day or so, then you’ve probably seen something about Campus Crusade for Christ changing its name to Cru. As you may know, Keynote is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ so we wanted to make sure you have heard the news.

Currently the staff members of Campus Crusade are in Ft. Collins, CO for our biennial US Staff Conference. On Tuesday evening our leadership revealed to us that Cru will be the name by which Campus Crusade will be known in the months and years to come. Much time, prayer and extensive research has gone into this decision. You probably have question like most people who have heard about the change and we want to make sure you have answers to those questions.

A website has been set up to help answer questions. There are videos from Vonette Bright as well as other ministry leaders, an FAQ page and much more. Please visit the site and join the conversation. You can also leave comments here.

We look forward to what God has in store for Cru and Keynote as we seek to honor His name above all others!