Friday Flashback – The Convertibles’ Message

September 9, 2011

[In 2011 Keynote celebrates 45 years of ministry. We thought we would use our Friday posts to look back on God’s faithfulness through the years.]

How do you get from “Rock Around the Clock” to the gospel? Well, The Convertibles, Keynote’s ’50s and ’60s band, did just that from the mid-’80s through the ’90s.

Their fun, energetic show combining music with drama engaged audiences in unique ways, providing a great platform for telling them about “Eternal Love.” The theme of love and relationships is timeless and captures our hearts. Who hasn’t dealt with a broken heart or wrestled with seeking a love that will be there for us, no matter what?

The ultimate goal of The Convertibles was to help people see that there is only one place to find true love and forgiveness – in a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. While the songs and the characters may have changed over the course of their 15 year history, the gospel message was always clear. After each concert, the band members had the opportunity to talk with people from the audience. Many of those conversations involved more discussion about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.


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