Hone Your Communication Skills at Comm Lab

November 29, 2011

My palms are sweaty, my knees are shaking, my mouth feels like cotton and I can feel the skin on my neck turning red. And they’re all sitting there waiting to hear what I have to say. Familiar feeling?

“If speaking in public scares you, you aren’t alone,” says Paul L. Witt, PhD, assistant professor of communication studies at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth. “The important thing is, it does not have to make us embarrassed or frightened or upset to speak in front of other people…You may be nervous, but you don’t have to be disabled in front of other people.”

Whether we’re in front of a group of 200 or 20, or even just sitting across the table from someone, most of us have probably wished we knew how to communicate more effectively. We think Keynote can help.

This March, Keynote will host our third annual Comm Lab, a four-day training event offering biblically-based teaching and practical training to help people refine and improve their communication skills.

Think for a minute about your favorite sport. To get good at it, you’ve got to spend time practicing and maybe training with a decent coach. Speaker and author Tim Downs argues that those same principles apply in developing as communicators. At Comm Lab, we offer the opportunity to spend four days practicing various communication skills in small groups and receiving personalized feedback from trusted communication coaches. Tim Downs, Tim Muehlhoff (Associate Professor of Communication at Biola University) and other seasoned Campus Crusade for Christ staff members will present valuable messages on communicating effectively and confidently as an ambassador for Christ.

Comm Lab will take place March 27-30, 2012 at Keynote’s East Street Studios event center. For more information, visit our website.

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