Showing God’s Love to Others

December 17, 2010

[Today’s post is from Rich Dundore’s son, Noah, age 10. It’s great to hear the perspective of the “next generation” on giving back during Christmas.]

Hi!  This is Noah Dundore.  My Dad works for Keynote and he asked me to talk about something our family did the other day. During this Christmas season, I think it’s important to think of things we can do for others to show God’s love.

On Saturday, our church helped a local ministry (Good Samaritan Network – distribute food, clothes, and toys to families in need. When my Dad first asked me to help, I thought, “Boy, this is going to take a long time!” I also thought I would be shy if I had to go up to people’s doors and introduce myself. But once I started doing it, I got comfortable with it. I also knew that the food we were giving them would be a big help.

We met some interesting people as we made our deliveries. One lady, Anna, is 104 years old! She was very nice and I could tell she was really thankful for the food. She even remembered my name as we were leaving. One other older man even gave me a chocolate bar when we gave him his box of food!

After we finished our deliveries, I felt really good about all of the food that was given to people. I think I liked it because I knew the groceries would really help those people during the holidays. I also thought it was a good way to show God’s love to people who have less than I do.

If you ever get a chance to do something like this, I would say, “Do it—it was fun!”

Your friend,

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