US Staff Conference – Challenging and Refreshing

August 2, 2011

Every two years, the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) gather in Ft. Collins, CO for our US Staff Conference. Each time, we are challenged from God’s Word by gifted speakers, led in worship and reminded of our mission by our leaders. The time together is refreshing, inspiring and essential for our mission.

The 2011 US Staff Conference was definitely a conference to remember. Francis Chan challenged us from Revelation 3 and led us into a time of repentance and worship. Rene Rochester spoke the word with authority and inspired us to action. On the final evening, David Platt brought a message from Isaiah 6, motivating us to boldly tell the scandalous message of the gospel to the nations. The times of worship were sweet and refining. God had prepared our hearts for our time together and He was faithful to meet us there.

A conference for 5,000 people doesn’t just happen, however. Over the years, Keynote has been privileged to be a part of some of the “behind the scenes” roles as well as serve as the worship leaders during the conference. Various roles include serving on the program team, the production team, the tech team, working at the ministry fair and much more. We thought you might enjoy a glimpse into the conference through the slide show below. Click on any picture to begin the slide show.

We look forward to seeing how God will use the things we learned during our time at the conference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. On the final night of the conference we had the opportunity to reaffirm our vows corporately to boldly proclaim the name of Jesus around the world!


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