Light in a Dark Land

September 13, 2012

After 50 years of Soviet rule, most Estonians know very little about Christianity. In fact, Estonia is considered one of the most non-religious countries in the world. Nevertheless, God changed many lives through Heartbeat Tallinn, a 10-day outreach event recently hosted by Agape Europe (Western European branch of Campus Crusade for Christ).

Keynote ventriloquist, David Pendleton, and Impact band, Level 3:16, partnered with 1,500 staff members and volunteers from more than 30 countries for this event, focused on outreach to Estonia’s capital city, Tallinn. Our artists, along with others, created events to start spiritual conversations with the people of Tallinn.

“I think people were touched by the desire to care about a city,” says Lehari Kaustel, Heartbeat Tallinn director. “Not only did we share the gospel in words, but we also showed it with our presence, with a shine in our eyes, with the care and love in our hearts. And people could see this.”

Late one night Level 3:16 heard live music from a street corner. As they walked closer, the teens involved invited them to join their jam session. Level 3:16 accepted the invitation and started singing worship songs.

Suddenly, an intoxicated man stumbled towards them and began shouting loudly. Impact staff member, Rasool, invited him to meet the next morning to talk, but doubted the man would remember. To Rasool’s surprise, he arrived early!

“As I shared the gospel,” Rasool explained, “he lit up and proclaimed, ‘I know God has saved me!’ He committed to give up drinking. He even showed up to several concerts later that week – sober and with a new joy!”

Join us in thanking God for His goodness! At one concert, a particular church involved with Heartbeat Tallinn saw a 10% increase in their numbers. Please pray for the 15,000 people exposed to the gospel during the outreaches. Pray that they continue to see God reveal His love and grace.

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