Art + Story from An Evening with Keynote

November 27, 2012

If you missed the Evening with Keynote event or just didn’t get a chance to see all the artwork that night, check out the photos of the artwork plus their corresponding stories below.


With tears in her eyes, Brenda rushed up to the stage while Rhymz Suhreal took a short break in the set. “I heard your music from two blocks away…I knew I just had to come! How can I know God?” she asked.
Rhymz Suhreal member Becky hopped off stage, eager to share the gospel with her. As they talked Brenda explained, “My previous church said ‘You can’t come to God.’” Becky was heartbroken. She told Brenda, “Christ came and died so we could come to God—our relationship with Him was broken by our sin, but was restored through Jesus when we put our faith in Him!”

Disbelief and shock mixed with tremendous joy and wonder on Brenda’s face as she heard this. Lies eroded; she grasped the truth. That day she understood the hope found in the gospel.

Artist Credit: Matt Vincent, Westfield, Indiana


[Alyssa] danced practically the entire time Rhymz Suhreal performed in Cedar Grove, WI. You might not think this lively 12 year-old girl had much to worry about. But after talking with her, lead singer Zak learned differently.

It had been a really rough year for Alyssa. It started with her physical difficulties; she had recently been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. School was also a struggle, and others teased her about being “a Jesus freak.”

Alyssa was so thankful for the band’s music, especially a song called “Bird Out of a Cage” which expresses the truth that through Christ there is freedom beyond our circumstances. Zak encouraged her to remember the freedom she has in Christ every time she sees a bird.

Artist Credit: Kristin Whitney, Noblesville, Indiana


Chris hurried through the Denver airport with his family. Just in time for their flight, they got the last four seats—all middle seats, of course.

He sat next to Joe (also a father returning to Indy with his family) and they chatted. Eventually their conversation turned to spiritual matters. When Chris asked, “Has anyone ever explained how you can be sure you’re personally connecting with God?” Joe replied, “No.”

Pulling out his cell phone, Chris opened the God Tools app (a digital version of The Four Spiritual Laws and other Cru resources). After 45 minutes of lively conversation Chris asked Joe if he would like to ask Christ to be in his life. Joe said yes.

40,000 feet over Kansas, Joe encountered salvation.

Artist Credit: Joe Boyle, Cleveland, Ohio


[Sarah] sat alone. Keynote summer project student Hannah sat down next to her and asked how she was doing.

A week earlier, Sarah had been at another Backbeat Serenade concert. Her foster mom had brought her to the young women in the a capella group to ask them to pray for her—Sarah had been having a hard time lately. At 12 years old, she had been in and out of several foster homes. Of course Hannah and the others were glad to pray for her.

Now, a week later, Hannah asked her how she was. In her brokenness, Sarah said she had almost hung herself that day – she had actually held the rope in her hands.

(“Chairete” means “rejoice” in Greek)

Artist Credit: Amanda Wagers, Dayton, Ohio


Jimmy was raised in a Buddhist family, but felt his religion was more cultural than personal. During his six-month visit to the U.S. from Taiwan, he heard Keynote Summer Project band Backbeat Serenade. Curious to learn more, he talked with Meg, a band member, after the show. Jimmy and Meg discussed God’s grace, eternity and more.

The concept of having a relationship with God was new to Jimmy. Meg gave him an English/Mandarin Bible so he could continue learning more. During their conversation they realized they shared the same birthday – the next week they would both turn 22. Meg invited Jimmy to another concert the following week, on their shared birthday.

As Jimmy heard the gospel again, he indicated a decision to know and follow Christ!

Jimmy’s and Meg’s spiritual conversations continue. As Jimmy has returned to Taiwan, Meg prays for God to bring other believers to assist him in his life transitions.

Artist Credit: Joe Boyle, Cleveland, Ohio


Nervous and apprehensive, Dagmar (Keynote Summer Project student) sent a Facebook message to ten of her friends—intending to start spiritual conversations.

Previously, Dagmar had been reticent about her relationship with Christ. While on Summer Project, she trusted God to work through her during this Facebook outreach; her faith was renewed. Her friend [Justin] responded to her message with some prayer requests. Several weeks later he wrote to Dagmar: Your prayer worked! God is working!

In her own words: “I have had incredible changes happen in myself since Summer Project and I know this because people have noticed. They can see what wonderful things God has done in my life. I am so much more confident in myself. I feel completely free…. I feel like I’m a much brighter light to others”.

Artist Credit: J.J. McCleary, Noblesville, Indiana


A quivering lip, tears in his eyes…TJ wanted God in his life.

Summer Project band Young Isaac had entered the “youthful offenders” dormitory to share some music and how God was working in their lives. Young men sat on benches in the middle of a room, which was surrounded by their individual cells. The band members did not know what to expect and were uncertain how or if these kids would respond.

They were initially met with apathy. But as they sang, “you’re someone worth dying for,” the Holy Spirit moved in TJ’s life and he experienced forgiveness.

Artist Credit: Nikki DeHart, Atlanta, Georgia


Didi was not satisfied. “What’s the meaning of life?” she asked. “What happens when you die?” She searched for answers and found no solace from her atheist family. Without hope, she decided to end her life.

But God had other plans. She jumped out of a sixth story window and survived! As she recovered in the hospital, she became friends with her nurse—a Christian who eventually led Didi and her mother to Christ.

In May of 2012 Didi attended Keynote’s communication training in Sofia, Bulgaria. There she discovered how to use her story of brokenness to share the hope of the gospel with others.

Artist Credit: Lori Zastrow, Dayton, Ohio

When Katie returned to college her sophomore year, she felt a tension in her life, a tension between her faith and the party scene. She heard about a short film event her sister’s fiancé was hosting and thought, “why not?”

After seeing The Audition (a short film created during Keynote’s Summer Project), Katie sensed God drawing her towards Him. Leaving the party scene, she immersed herself in getting to know God personally. She met with another believer for discipleship and attended TCX (the Cru conference in the Twin cities). The last night of the conference Katie became a follower of Christ; she continues to grow in her faith—faith in the One who wore a crown of thorns, shed His blood and gave His very life to show us His love.

In His love, God called Katie to Himself.

Artist Credit: Matthew Burgy, Dayton, OH

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