Friday Flashback – The Great Commission Company

July 1, 2011

[In 2011 Keynote celebrates 45 years of ministry. We thought we would use our Friday posts to look back on God’s faithfulness through the years.]

Whether it’s 1960, 1980 or 2011, people need to hear the good news about a relationship with Jesus. The message of the gospel is timeless and powerful no matter when or where it is heard. God’s Son, Jesus Christ paid the penalty for sin that we all deserve when He died on the cross and rose again on the third day. He offers new life to all who believe.

That’s why Keynote continues to train others, develop creative tools and proclaim the gospel through music, short films and other creative resources. When I was traveling in one of our bands years ago, I remember our director reminding us that the ministry was going to take place all along the way – not just at the concerts. We had numerous opportunities to talk about God and His message of hope with people everywhere.

Here are a few personal stories I found from the early ’80s:

“During a [Great Commission Company] tour to central California, the group’s bus broke down. [not an uncommon occurrence] While waiting for repairs, drummer Charlie Berry tossed a football around with another group member. A 13-year old boy approached, and then started talking. The boy was interested in the fact that Charlie was in a traveling music group, which led to a discussion of Christ. The boy said he was not a Christian, so Charlie told him what it meant to be one. He soon asked Jesus to come into his life!”

“An interest in sailing led G.C.C. trombone player Tom Gilson to comment to an artist about the painting of a sail boat he was exhibiting. As they talked, Tom discovered he was Jewish, so the two spent an hour poring over Bible passages together. A seed was planted which may eventually sprout into new faith in Christ!”

You don’t have to be in a traveling band or be a full-time missionary to be ready to tell others about Christ. Another member of this 1980s version of the Great Commission Company encouraged people to be yourself, be friendly and ask questions. You never know how a simple question can lead to an open discussion about God, the Bible or the gospel.

You can find classic resources like the Four Spiritual Laws here or look for some updated tools here. You might also enjoy God Space by Doug Pollock. Check out our previous post, Creating God Space for a review.

Renae Nanney

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