Friday Flashback – “Discover Friends” in Japan

September 2, 2011

[In 2011 Keynote celebrates 45 years of ministry. We thought we would use our Friday posts to look back on God’s faithfulness through the years.]

Between 1985 and 1988, Keynote had the opportunity to join hands with the Campus Ministry in Japan for the “Discover Friends” project. Combining outreach events with on-campus interaction with students, Keynote’s part in “Discover Friends” helped to accelerate the ministry in Tokyo and surrounding areas.

Prism was the first band to participate in 1984 and the band returned in 1986. Sante Fe took over in 1985 and The Convertibles finished a tightly packed stateside touring season with eight weeks in Tokyo in 1988. Each of the bands had the opportunity to perform outreach concerts on college campuses, primarily, but also performed at larger venues and for some military audiences.

Part of the “Discover Friends” project was to establish relationships with college students from various connection avenues, including concerts and English clubs. The band members were able to spend time on campus each week interacting with the students who expressed interest in talking with someone about spiritual things.

Click on any picture below for a slide show from The Convertibles 1988 outreach tour with “Discover Friends.”

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